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Main Index > Markets > Horticultural Applications > Perlite/Silicate Composits >Suggested Formulations

Perlite/Silicate Composites for High Temerature Insulation and Formed Shapes

Material* Gas Setting Liquid Setting Solid Setting
lb/ft2 2.5 - 5 % 5 - 10 % 5 - 15 %
lb/ft3 15 - 25 % at 68 F (20 C) 0.24-0.27 (0.035-0.039 W/m..K) 25 - 50 %

*Amount of silicate needed will depend on particle size, density, and absorbency of the perlite used.


Technical data given herein are from sources considered reliable, but no guarantee of accuracy can be made or liability assumed.  Your supplier may be able to provide you with more precise data.  Certain compositions or processes involving perlite may be the subject of patents.

Information given herein is from sources considered reliable, but no guarantee of accuracy can be made or liability assumed.  Your supplier may be able to provide you with more precise data.  Certain compositions or processes involving perlite may be the subject of patents.
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